TENDER AO 03/2015 – Projet d’appui au secteur privé. Acquisition de services d’assistance technique, formation, coaching des startups.

Project title TENDER AO 03/2015 –  Projet d’appui au secteur privé.  Acquisition de services d’assistance technique, formation, coaching des startups.
Countries Tunisia
Donors Italian Cooperation and Development Agency funds
Role of  Umbria  Export Co-applicant
Cost  of the action € 532.560
Dates 16/01/2017 – 2021
Objectives and results of the action The program aims to increase the efficiency, relevance and up-dating of enterprise development public and private services through: The enhancement of the skills of DGPPME in design, implementation and coordination of policies for the development of enterprises and  in particular, direct services to promoters; Support to new promoters and strengthening the skills of support structures (business centers) with particular attention to priority regions
The missions are the following: Mission1: strengthening SME support system:
1. Strengthening the competences of the DGPPME: the aim is to define a process to adapt the structure of the DGPPME to the tasks in terms of optimization and Qualitative and / or quantitative reinforcement of the organization, optimization of working methods  The planned activities are: diagnosis of the existing situation  definition of a skills-building program 2. Strengthening the technical and institutional capacity of the support structures and EE (espace d’entreprise): the aim is to increase the skills of Support structures (business centers, spin-off units and business incubators)
The planned activities are:study visits in Italy, regional seminars in Tunisia, a transversal activity of on-line assistance
3. Establishment of the SME Observatory: the aim is to create a structured and constantly updated mechanism which will ensure:
an up-to-date database for monitoring SMEs (monitoring of entrepreneurial activity, Financing of enterprises, the legal establishment of undertakings, Difficulties, etc.), a platform for the exchange of good practices between SMEs;, monitoring technological innovation and the regulatory framework, Monitor market trends (national and international).,a battery of interactive tools to accompany SMEs (Discussion Forum, FAQ, newsletter …)